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Integrated planning in SAP SAC

The perfect combination of SAP technology and planning solutions from the specialists for integrated planning.

Integrated planning in SAP SAC

Integrated planning in SAP SAC Factsheet

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Factsheet Integrated financial planning in SAP SAC - The content

Get the factsheet now and learn how easily and quickly integrated corporate planning can be implemented in SAP SAC.


In this factsheet we show you:

  • The benefits of integrated financial planning in SAP SAC for your company
  • How integrated planning in SAP SAC can be implemented efficiently and quickly in your company
  • All functionalities and dashboards of the smartPM financial planning solution


As a user of SAP SAC, this means:

  • Fast implementation thanks to predefined content  
  • Increased efficiency, process optimization and high transparency  
  • Better decision-making thanks to tried-and-tested planning approaches 
  • Modern planning methods, such as scenarios, what-if analyses and much more, "out of the box" 
  • Strategic planning and monitoring of measures to achieve objectives   


Read more about specific practical applications and process optimization in the factsheet. Plan with cost-efficient and quick-to-implement planning solutions that guarantee success.